COP22 Exhibition

COP22 Exhibition
7-18 Novembre 2016
Find out more about the AAA initiative during COP22 at the exhibition space “Green Zone”, innovation’stent number 2, Stands 401/403, from November 7 to 18, in Marrakesh (Morocco).The main entrance to the site being on the Mehdi Ben Barka avenue.
COP22 will enable the concrete implementation of the commitments formulated in the Paris Agreement – which has marked a historic milestone – while it will also bring into focus the specific issues faced by developing countries, with priority to Africa. COP22 willbe the “COP of Action” and the “COP of Africa.” The AAA initiative aims to place the question of Adapting African Agriculture at the forefront of COP22’s priorities and discussions. The AAA platform willoffer COP22 participants an immersive experience both to facilitate the sharing of crucial issues related to Adapting African Agriculture to Climate Change, and to help discover a collection of innovative solutions in line with AAA.