The solutions AAA
the Initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture promotes and supports solutions and good practices in soil management, agricultural water control, climate risk management and capacity building and financing solutions . Concrete responses to face the issues of climate change and food insecurity and meet the challenges of sustainable agriculture.
The cost of Africa's adaptation to climate change is estimated at between 30 and 50 billion US$ per year ...
Support for projects
The AAA Initiative promotes and encourages the implementation of concrete projects to improve ...
Capacity Building
There are significant gaps in the capacity of key institutions to support the implementation of climate-smart ...
African countries in their efforts to fulfill their mandates in accordance with the African Union (AU) climate strategy, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP), determined national contributions to the Paris Agreement (CDN) to reduce poverty, ensure food security and strong agricultural growth in an environmentally sustainable manner, face various challenges to strengthen governance, policy formulation and implementation, use of information and technology, and funding.
The AAA initiative was launched to address some of these needs. The decade 2020-2030 represents an opportunity for the Foundation of the AAA initiative to step up actions aimed at helping African countries to achieve their objectives in terms of agriculture and climate.
The Initiative for the Adaptation of African Agriculture
promotes and supports solutions and best practices
in terms of soil management, agricultural water control…